dimecres, 15 de març del 2017

El so del mar-P3

Hem sentit la veu dels instruments que poden fer el so del mar...hem manipulat, jugat i experimentat!!! Ens encanta fer música!

La veu del mar-3r

Ens estan quedant uns murals d'impressions genials!!!


divendres, 10 de març del 2017


Pupils in Grade 3 performed the story called "Swimmy" from Leo Leoni.
It has been a good experience to become little red fish or even a shark or seaweed, or an octopus or a starfish.
And what's more, we've learnt that working together we can be very strong and travel further!


Enjoy watching our second graders singing the song with funny puppets!


Have you ever visited a Mediterranean fair?
Just watch the video and see our pupils in grade 4 buying and selling the most amazing Mediterranean products !  you can even enter a game, win a Mediterranean cruise or participate in an arts and craft workshop!

diumenge, 5 de març del 2017

La veu del mar- 4t

Hem treballat el so del mar des de fora i des de dins. Ara intentem plasmar totes les nostres impressions en un treball plàstic!

L'ocean drum a P5

Les onades de la Mediterrània han entrat a la nostra classe i ho han omplert tot de pau i misteri...